Saturday, January 19, 2008

Owen Sound Bridal Show

Madeline and I went for a tour of the Owen Sound Bridal Show today.  I did not put a booth in the show myself but I did have my photography featured at some of the Cobble Beach's.

Upon arrival I discovered two things immediately.  I had underestimated both the size of our stroller and the amount of people that would be there.  It was a bit tough to get through the crowds with Madeline and gear but we made it.  I think that I was even able to say hello to all of the photographers and some of the other venders.  It was nice to visit with people whom I haven't seen since wedding season.

Don't think I'll be going in the bridal show at all but Rebecca tells me that there is a kids show coming up...interesting!

Here is the slideshow I made for Cobble Beach to use in the booth.

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